
The Place to Find Out What is Really Happening.

Location: Ivins, UT, United States

My travels took me around the world and the one constant is that perspective differs depending upon where you stand. I find that we are all capable of our own philosophy, a sort of anphilopic understanding based upon our own experiences. It is important to look at our experiences from every view we can possible think of. This blog attempts to do that.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

The Voice of Change.

The New Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi.

The projections are proving to be accurate, a Blue wave is sweeping the U.S. and the House is now in the hands of the Democrats.
The American Voice has spoken and the message is loud and clear, "the time for change is now".
Democrats are determined to reform the voting system in this country so that it includes verification, accountability, and accuracy. Their view of the voting system is that of distrust, yet that very system has advanced their Party to the majority of the House.
Another front-burner objective of the Democratic Party is Energy Independence. Their simple solution to all of our ills is summed up in this one idea. "Energy independence puts America in the driver's seat to pursue affordable and efficient energy solutions that will benefit all Americans, improve America's security, reduce the burden on American families, and help clean our environment. "

How will their control of the House advance their agenda? First and foremost, they must use political caution over the next two years in order to prove themselves worthy of the bid for the White House. If they can garner support and prove to the Nation, over the next two years, that their agenda is worth advancing, they could very well do just that. They must show cooperation with the Republicans and their President by disproving the stigma that has been cast upon them over the last seven years since the Clinton Administration. The People have given them this chance to prove themselves.

The winds of change, they are a blowin'. We are all about to see if this can straighten our sails or if it will tear them to shreds. My money is on the resilient spirit of this country.


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